Pre-Op Guide

Published on 6 March 2025 at 21:53

What is a Urostomy?

A Urostomy is a type of stoma used to divert the Urinary system, it is created when the bladder has been removed. Once the Bladder is removed, the surgeon will take a portion of the small bowel which he will connect to the ureters. It will then be brought through the abdomen wall and sewn to your skin making a permanent opening for Urine to leave the body. A Urostomy is permanent meaning once the surgery has been completed it cannot be reversed.

The stoma will look pink/red in colour and feel like the inside of your cheek, every stoma is a different shape and size. There are no nerves in the stoma so you wont be able to feel anything when you touch it and you will have no control over the output meaning you will need to wear a stoma bag over it all of the time.


What to expect Pre-Op?

It can be super scary when your told that you need to have major surgery and your mind will possibly go into over drive bringing up lots of worries and questions, my advice is to make a list so you don’t forget to ask the professionals.

Stoma Nurse Appointment

Your consultant will arrange an appointment for you to meet the hospitals stoma team, which will be the stoma nurse. The nurse will go through the pre and post surgery procedure and will answer any questions you may have. You will also be introduced to stoma equipment, Urostomy Bags, Adhesive sprays, Wipes, some hospitals have access to packs which contain information leaflets and a fake stoma to stick to your belly to practice putting on a bag. It is best to know which bag type you wish to go for before surgery so my advice is get as many samples as possible (even via online suppliers which are free) and try them on to make sure you don’t react to the adhesive.

Pre-op Appointment

At your pre-op you will meet with a team to discuss surgery preparation, they will take you weight and usually test you current fitness on a bike. Don’t stress as it is not like a gym session they just need to make sure your as fit as possible for surgery. Advice is normally given to make sure your recovery goes smoothly. It’s a good idea to take along medical history and a list of your current medication.

Sighting Appointment

A few days before your surgery, the stoma nurse will meet with you to discuss placement on your abdomen for the stoma. She will draw a circle on the skin to show the consultant the preferred sight. Clothing and your body will all be taken into consideration, they will avoid areas where your stomach will crease to prevent bag leakage. There is no guarantee for the sight to be exactly where the stoma nurse marks but all consultants do their best to get it close.


Below are some of the popular items Ostomates have chosen to take with them in hospital or items they have wished they had.

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