IC 2 Urostomy Support Group

It all began with a simple idea and a passion for supporting others who have Interstitial Cystitis that are about to embark on life with a Urostomy. 

The amount of support groups and advice pages out there for people with colostomies is huge compared to the non existing amount for Urostomies, this is why IC/PBS To Urostomy UK was created. 

Our free support group is ran by sufferers of IC who are now living with a urostomy, the group is private and monitored daily.

We can be found on Facebook by searching- https://www.facebook.com/groups/ictourostomyuk

Please make sure you read our group rules and review the 3 questions asked, this is to make sure we can keep the page safe. Failure to do so may mean your request to join the group with be deleted.

Charity Support

Bladder Health UK-  UK Charity that supports those with Bladder Illness-Visit their website here


Urostomy Association- UK Stoma charity that supports those with a Urostomy- Visit their website here

Stoma Suppliers


Ainsworth Surgical Supplies Tel: 0800 413 712 Email: enquiries@ainsworthsurgical.co.uk

Web: www.ainsworthsurgical.co.uk


Amcare Group Tel: 0800 885 050 / 0800 4565 922 (Scotland) Email: enquiry@amcaregroup.co.uk

Web: www.amcaregroup.co.uk


Brunlea Surgical Supplies Tel: 0800 834 712 Email: info@brunleasurgical.co.uk

Web: www.brunleasurgical.co.uk


Bullen Healthcare Tel: 0800 888 501 Email: info@bullens.com

Web: www.bullens.com


Charter Healthcare Tel: 0800 5874 047 / 0800 9178 639 (Scotland) Email: help@charter.co.uk

Web: www.charter.co.uk


ConvaTec Tel: 0800 282 254 Email: stoma.webcare@convatec.com

Web: www.convatec.co.uk


Fittleworth Medical Tel: 0800 378 846/ 0800 7837148 (Scotland) Email: caring@fittleworth.com

Web: www.fittleworth.net


OakMed Goldcare Tel: 0800 592 786 Email: orders@oakmed.co.uk

Web: www.oakmed.co.uk


Opus Healthcare Tel: 0800 4587 605 Email: opus@alliancepharma.co.uk

Web: www.opus-healthcare.co.uk


Pelican Healthcare Tel: 0800 318 282 Email: contactus@pelicanhealthcare.co.uk

Web: www.pelicanhealthcare.co.uk


Rapidcare Tel: 0800 181 901 Email: sales@rapidcare.co.uk

Web: www.rapidcare.co.uk


Respond Tel: 0800 220 300 / 0800 028 6848 (N.Ireland) Email: hello@respond.co.uk

Web: www.respond.co.uk


Salts MediLink Tel: 0121 3332 000 Email: enquiries@saltsmedilink.co.uk

Web: https://www.saltsmedilink.co.uk/


SecuriCare Tel: 0800 585 125 (new customers) 0800 318 965 (existing customers) Email: enquiries@securicaremedical.co.uk

Web: www.securicaremedical.co.uk

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