Little Miss Urostomy

Urostomy | Chronic Illness | Life | Support


To my space and everything Urostomy.


What's New?

Meet Stella Stoma your Urostomy Agony Aunt- Have you got a worry or question about Stoma life? Then why don't you write in and we will share the response for other visitors to raise awareness and support. Find the form in the above menu "Dear Stella"

Is It A Fact or Myth?

As a Ostomate I have heard so many mind blowing myths about Stomas and life as an ostomate. Some of them can really worry or cause quite a bit of confusion and I feel its so important to raise a bit of awareness about some of them for everyone. 

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You're having Surgery, so what's next?

There's so many reasons why a person may need a Urostomy yet Urostomy awareness is rarely discussed. Many people at any age, male or female may require a Urostomy due to many different problems such as cancer, trauma and long term illnesses.

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Contact Me

For all enquires please contact me via a contact form and I will reply to you as soon as possible. 


Many Thanks.

All advice found on this website is provided by expeience of fellow Ostomate's and we are not medically trained. 

Please discuss anything regarding your own health with a medical professional.

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